

Media Buying


Media Buying

Our team of media buyers are experts at getting your brand in front of the right audience. We’ll take care of all the planning and development for a successful media marketing strategy, so you can focus on what matters most—your business. We’ve worked with companies in various markets, so we know how to reach your target audience. Our goal is to get you the most impressions from the right audience at the lowest cost.

Our Numbers Speak For Themselves

Our Numbers Speak For Themselves

3.2X from

$1.5 MM

in Ad spend

On average, we’re managing around

$1 - $2M Dollars

a Month

across all our clients.

$0.5 CPC 

in a conversions-objective campaign

Data-Driven Analytics

We're all about data-driven analytics

This means that we collect and analyze data from the most popular social media networks like TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and more to make sure that our media buying efforts are reaching the right audience to increase the impact of our marketing campaigns.

We study demographics, shopping habits, and more to get a better sense of who we need to target and where they are most likely to be found online. This helps us decide which platform is best for ad placements, what time of day works best (and when), and what mediums will be most effective.

A Variety Of Channels

We make buying & selling ads more efficient

To successfully run a campaign, we focus on media planning and running multiple kinds of ads. By doing this we are able to reach the target audience across multiple channels and increase conversion rates.

Some types of ads include video ads, mobile ads, display advertising and more. We do media buying across all platforms, including Facebook, TikTok, Google, Pinterest, and more. If it involves paid media, we do it! We believe an omnichannel approach is necessary in order to maximize a marketing strategy.

quotation marks

“Take a scientific approach to buy media! It is just as important to know why something works or did not work.”

“Take a scientific approach to buy media! It is just as important to know why something works or did not work.”

David Hayes

Digital Media Placements

Ad placement is crucial for a successful media strategy

We know what type of content works best on which social media platforms; we are able to segment based on which stage they are in the sales funnel, and we target based on gender, age, interests, geo-location, the device being used, and more. It’s all about getting your brand in front of the people who need it most. Our media buyers are experts at ensuring that we are placing the right ads in front of your target audience, so they are more likely to purchase.

Media Buying Results In Successful Digital Marketing

Increase total sales, brand reach & acquire more customers

When it comes to successful media buying, it takes a lot of time, proficiency, and experience. We make a point to keep our finger on the pulse of new media trends, emerging channels, and the ever-changing behavior of consumers.

And the strategies we create are based on strong research and data—so that you know the media we’re using is successfully reaching your target. We will continuously monitor ads to ensure they run as contracted, cost effective, and the ads reach the number of impressions promised.